With the rapid development of mobile Internet, intelligent terminal and online mobile payment market, the offline payment has became a new battle of the mobile payment industry. However, most Chinese consumers still sit on the fence. Although mobile payment industry attracts some customers by provide red envelopes and settlement subsidies, the short-term incentives can’t ensure consumer to use offline payment continually. Most new users become as "zombie users" and offline mobile payment industry has no substantive development. This study investigate in the factors affecting consumer willingness to use offline mobile payment. It has important theoretical and practical significance for the offline mobile payment industry.Based on the theory of mobile payment, technology acceptance model, perceived risk, trust and situational factors, we construct a model, and, we discuss the factors affecting consumer willingness to use offline mobile payment with the integrated use of theoretical analysis and empirical analysis. Firstly, we construct a model that investigating in the factors affecting consumer willingness to use offline mobile payment. Secondly, we briefly introduce the process and content of the investigation.Thirdly, use SPSS 19.0 and AMOS 19.0 to test the hypotheses empirically. Finally,draw conclusions and puts forward the corresponding suggestions.The main conclusions of this study are:(1) Perceived risk, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use have a significant impact on intention of use. Perceived risk has a strong negative influence on intention of use; Perceived usefulness has a significant positive influence on intention of use; Perceived ease of use has a less positive influence on intention of use.(2) Perceived ease of use has a certain influence on perceived usefulness.(3) The direct influence of trust on intention of use is not significant, but trust will indirectly influence intention of use by influencing perceived risk, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Trust has a strong negative influence on perceived risk and a less positive influence on intention of use and perceived ease of use.(4) Situation not only directly affects actual usage, but also affects intention of use through perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, and ultimately affect actual usage.(5) Intention of use has a strong negative influence on actual usage.The innovations of this research are:(1) The innovation of model. We build a new model by introducing trust, perceived risk and situational factors and into Davis’ s technology acceptance model to investigate in the factors affecting consumer willingness to use offline mobile payment.(2) The development of the field. The existing researches are mainly discuss online mobile payment while this study is an extended research on offline mobile payment. |