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Application Of "Inset Jade" In The Process Of Modern Accessories

Posted on:2018-11-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J LinFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Jade, The Times for the Chinese love has a history of seven thousand years, is has a long history. And inset jades appear according to legend is in the spring and autumn period, follwed to choi, repair and invited craftsman, builders have come up with in gold with missing Angle of the coup, after repair was more luster bright, is called the "inset jades topaz". The emergence of the "inset jades" has great influence on the development of jade, customs and preferences, according to the various periods of the national economy, metallurgy manufacturing technology different factors, such as jade, reflect the different manifestations of the inset jades.In order to achieve the comprehensive study of inset jades, this text set about from the following aspects, the ancient inset jades prevalence of reason, the artistic features of the ancient inset jades and form, the process features of ancient inset jades and modern inset jades forms of analysis. This article will inset jades way of artistic expression and inset jades Mosaic as the main research object, combines the inset jades of various historical periods in ancient relics and modern models of inset jades, inset jades development comprehensive research this problem.
Keywords/Search Tags:Inset jades, Ancient Mosaic technology, Modern embedded technology
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