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The Research On Marx’s Space Production Thoughts

Posted on:2018-11-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C G WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330539985304Subject:History of development of Marxism
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In this study,our object is to analyze Marx’s theory of space production,and to reveal the dialectics of Marx’s material production theory by analyzing the essence,process,link and historical painting of space production.An additional historical evolution process research was also conducted from spatial dimension to material production.Based on the concepts of "space","space production" and "space consumption",our study focused on the problem of space production in Marx’s doctrine.In this study,the Marx’s ideological system of space production is established.It has been verified that the space production is the basic logic component of the material production theory of Marx.In addition,it is proved that there is no "empty field" in the Marx doctrine.Therefore,there is great value of space production in the development of contemporary society.Four aspects is included:i)the theoretical sources and the formation background of Marx’s space production thought were analyzed from Hegel,Quinn,Adam Smith and others thought which can be used to trace.The formation background of Marx’s space production thought was revealed from the machine industry,the world history and the relationship between urban and rural areas and others.ii)the content of space production thought was summarized,and the spatial production thought system was explained from the essence of space production,the space production of capitalism,the main link of space economy and the history of space production.iii)the value of Marx’s space production thought is expounded systematically.However,the significance of space production thought was revealed from the dual perspective of theory and practice.The idea of space production enriches the theory of material production and lays the theoretical foundation of social development.It can help us with better urbanization construction and promotion of region balanced economic development.In this paper,the literature research method and the comparative research method were adopted.Not only the issue of Marx and Engels space production sere analyzed,but also the research result of foreign scholars about the issue of space production were referenced.There are three main innovative aspects in this paper: First,based on Marx’s material production thought,the process of material production is explained from the perspective of space and time.And the logic of space production is understood as an important supplement to the logic of material production.The tendency which material production logic is replaced by the logic of space production is rejected;Second,the process from the time production model to space production model is synchronized with progress which bourgeoisie exploit the world market and world history.It greatly promoted the development of capitalist society and exhibited the fundamental contradiction of capitalism;Third,Marx’s thought of space production is grasped from the perspective of historical dialectics.Space production is not only the way of capital civilization creation but also the way of barbarity of capital.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, Space production, Condition, Content, Significance
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