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Research On Major Administrative Decision-making Expert Argumentation Problems

Posted on:2018-06-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L P WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2346330515998783Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the background of our country’s deepening reform and open up.Improving the major administrative decision-making procedure has great significance for promoting the strategies of ruling the country by law and building the rule of law government.Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China,our government put forward that the major administrative decision-making legal procedure consists of the public participation,expert argumentation,risk assessment,the legitimacy review,collective discussion and decision.With the continuous improvement of the policy and the legal system,the expert argumentation procedure has been strengthened in the important administrative decision-making.But,in practice,there are some problems in the major administrative decision-making expert argumentation procedure.Such as,expert has been employed by government or interest groups,making mistakes and offside,lacking of major administrative decision-making expert argumentation system,the unreasonable problems of expert argumentation procedure.All of this has a negative effect on the major administrative decision-making.Therefore,our government should strengthen the major administrative decision-making expert argumentation problems in the application research,promote the major administrative decision-making expert reasoning function,improve the effect of the major administrative decision-making.The paper is based on the major administrative decision-making procedures.It draws lessons from the domestic and foreign literature.It also analyzed the related concepts and theoretical basis,the problem,the reason of the problem and countermeasures through comparative analysis and case analysis.Firstly,this paper defined the research background,purpose and significance,research ideas and methods,the innovation and difficulties points.Secondly,this paper defined the related concepts,such as,procedures,administrative decision-making,the major administrative decision-making,experts and the expert argumentation,which is supported by the theory of procedural justice and expert rationality.Afterwards,this paper took the major problems existing in the administrative decision-making expert argumentation as the research objection.It analyzed the problems from the experts employed by government or interest groups,making mistakes and offside,lacking of major administrative decision-making expert argumentation system,the unreasonable problems of expert argumentation procedure.At the same time,the paper analyzed the reasons,which led to major administrative decision-making in our country the cause of the problem in-depth analysis on the expert’s demonstration.According to the research,the negative influence of traditional culture in China,the absence of major administrative decision-making procedures and the limitations of the major administrative decisions demonstrate experts themselves is the important factor that leads to the argument of the major administrative decision experts.Finally,according to the expert of major administrative decision making problems,the paper put forward some countermeasures and suggestions from strengthening the cultural construction of administrative rule of law,improving the system construction of major administrative decision-making experts,standardizing the construction of major administrative decision-making experts and to improve the credibility of experts.From all of those,we can implement the function of expert demonstration of major administrative decision making.
Keywords/Search Tags:Major Administrative Decision-making, Procedure of Administrative Decision-making, Expert Demonstration
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