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An Experimental Study On The Teaching Mode Of Mathematics Situated-problem Based Instruction In The Middle School Of The Southern Minority Nationlities

Posted on:2018-10-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H R HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330515491670Subject:Subject teaching
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Innovation education is the main theme of school curriculum reform,and the key of innovation education is to cultivate students’ problem consciousness.According to the characteristics of the status of mathematics in the school curriculum,school education should pay special attention to use it to achieve the goal of education innovation.Mathematical education should innovate the teaching mode of Mathematics in ethnic minority areas,giving students the more opportunity to practice inquiry,to cultivate of national students’ problem consciousness and innovation ability.The teaching mode of Situated-Problem Based Instruction in minority in middle school means that the teacher based on teaching objectives from the national diet,clothing,construction and so on carefully selects and designs with national mathematics culture aesthetic situation,stimulates national students’ interest in learning mathematics.Actively explore and propose the mathematical problem,and seek the solution.The teachers’ s guidance across the process,teachers need to help students realize the cognitive leap,get further development of mathematics knowledge,skills and ways of thinking.The theme of this model implementation is to promote minority students participation in the classroom,enhance their understanding of mathematical knowledge,gradually establish the students’ mathematics question consciousness,to improve the teaching quality of the minority middle school mathematics.The author studies the basic mode of Situated-Problem Based Instruction in minority in middle school related theory,combined with the reality of the situation minority students and one semester internship experience,try to construct the minority middle school mathematics SPBI model.Based on the study of minority middle school mathematics model on the basis of SPBI theory,analyzes the meaning and mode construction.For better implementation of mathematics SPBI mode in minority high school,the object of the teaching experimental research is the student of experimental middle school.First of all,on the basis of mathematics curriculum,teaching materials and learning situation to adjust unit class,and unit design.The teaching plan of an isosceles triangle is to analyze how to stimulate National Students’ interest in learning,guide the national culture and national life or application Secondly,by teaching experiment,classroom observation,interviews,questionnaire survey and test papers,the author study classroom implementation of the mode and changes of putting forward problems.Results show that participations and interests of putting forward the question in experimental class have increased significantly,the ability to assk questions in the performance of the overall level is better than the control group.The scores are higher in experimental class than the control students.Finally,according to the classroom implementation,I put forward teaching strategies: the creation of the national mathematics classroom situation properly;to guide students to make valuable math problems;the teacher use of cultural to guide or,scientific treatment of three kinds of problems;pay attention to summarize,reflection.To develop minority students’ Metacognitive ability.
Keywords/Search Tags:National Mathematical culture situation, put forward the mathematical problem, Mathematics Situated-Problem Based Instruction, teaching strategy
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