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Network Virtual Experiment Course System Based On Cloud Platform

Posted on:2018-03-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y C LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330515497062Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the virtual experiment of online education,this thesis studies the development of virtual experiment,summed up the issue of restricting the development of virtual experiment,puts forward the new idea of combining virtual experiment with traditional experiment,cloud platform technology as a combination point,so that network experiments and local experiments better integration of convergence,learn the advantages,improve insufficent and solve the problem.In this thesis,the virtual experiment mainly refers to the computer experiment,using B/S mode,develop web applications,installation and configuration of the cloud platform,proposed to solve the experimental machine remote control approach.Users login platform learning course through the browser,apply for a experiment computer according to the experimental requirement,operate experiment experimental machine by the browser.Cloud platform to build a virtual experiment center,the experiment center according to the needs of the experiment to create a virtual machine on cloud platform,according to the experiment request installation environment.Cloud platform is responsible for management,scheduling,maintenance and experimental machine.The hardware infrastructure uses servers and personal computers,uses vSphere to virtualize servers and personal hosts,and use vCenter to manage ESXI hosts and hadoop clusters.Web applications use SSH framework,Java language development,integration of a variety of practical tools,such as online text editor,picture file upload,online video playback.The system provides the experiment operation,experiment instruction,evaluation,notes,question and answer,comment,teaching video seven core functions.Use Spring’s container,Hibernate interface.Action get the data passed to ModelDriven and then displayed in the JSP main page,seven core functions using Ajax and Struts-JSON with dynamic refresh function module.The cloud platform provides services to the server,implements the connection experiment machine,the clone experiment machine,the starts experiment machine operation and so on.The cloud platform displays the experiment machine to the user through the browser.Visual remote control is implemented in two schemes,VMRC and VNC.Contrast analysis BFF algorithm and GREEDYBUCKET algorithm,for the virtual machine request characteristics,proposed cloud platform energy-saving strategy.The practice of virtual experiment in network education has a very important role,rich virtual experimental resources is the key to the development of network education.And the traditional experimental computing resources there is a huge waste,improve the utilization of resources and energy conservation is the urgent problem need to be solve.In order to improve the utilization rate of computing resources,the traditional experimental environment of traditional computer experiment is provided to the network course,and the network virtual experiment course system based on cloud platform is designed and utilized,which improves the utilization of resources and enriches the network practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cloud platform, cloud experiment, virtual experiment, network course
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