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Research On "Smart Campus"-Cloud Platform For Educational Service

Posted on:2019-06-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F WangFull Text:PDF
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In the course of the ten year plan of national education,the Ministry of education emphasizes that the "national digital education resource public service platform"(the national education cloud)is a comprehensive educational network platform built to promote regional education equity and improve the quality of education,relying on technical means such as cloud computing,mobile Internet,and Internet of things.It is also the key basis for the realization of the "three links and two platforms"This thesis mainly studies the method of constructing the intelligent campus with the way of building the educational service cloud platform.The thesis focuses on the construction method of cloud service architecture used by this platform,the framework of the application layer development technology framework SSH and the rapid deployment of Docker container technology.The feasibility of building the educational service cloud platform is pointed out,and then the intelligent campus application collection is studied.Through the call and combination of the basic service,the related educational platform is constructed according to the existing campus education needs.The requirement analysis,system design,system implementation and testing of the platform are carried out with the idea of software engineering.It is pointed out that the basic platform construction,intelligent portal construction,intelligent teaching construction and intelligent environment construction are needed on the cloud application platform of smart campus.The establishment of a unified learning resource sharing platform,teaching management platform,virtual experiment management platform,smart campus platform.The article also carried out a platform related test.The thesis gives the application set of the intelligent campus,analyzes the construction plan of the application set,the requirement analysis,the system design,completes the construction of the resource sharing platform,the teaching platform,the simulation realization system,and gives the feasibility of the construction of the intelligent campus cloud platform,which provides the reference for the construction of the class like construction.At present,some parts of the platform have been tested and tested to achieve the desired results.
Keywords/Search Tags:smart campus, cloud computing platform, education platform, IaaS cloud resources, campus application set
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