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Research And Implementation Of Education Cloud Platform Based On The Cloud Architecture

Posted on:2019-11-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T YeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330596464976Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,the development of education information construction in our country is so quickly,it provides a solid foundation for the sharing of educational resources and the informstion-based distance education,China's educational informationization construction in development still exist many problems,it is mainly in the low level of informatization and unbalanced development among different regions,redundant resources and backward communication platform.The emergence of the concept and application of cloud computing provides a scientific reference for educational resource sharing mechanism and information construction.At present,the application of cloud services in educational resources management,sharing and auxiliary teaching is a hot issue in the field of education and also an important trend of development.For the problems and shortcomings of educational informationization development in our country,studies and implements the education cloud platform system based on cloud architecture.The design goal of the system is to solve the problems of educational information resources sharing,online communication between teachers and students,online evaluation and Internet build a cloud platform with educational characteristics,and provide a digital management and application platform for a large number of educational resources across time and space,and also provides a unified network communication platform for teachers and students.The main contents of this paper are as follows: First,we analyze the trend and problems of cloud computing and the development of education informatization in China.Second,we need detailed analysis and feasibility analysis for building education cloud platform.Mainly analyzes the structure requirements of the system,the demand of the system business function,the requirement of the system database,the system management and the performance requirements,and carries out the feasibility analysis of the system development and construction.Third,based on the demand analysis,we design the education cloud platform in detail.The key points include the system's basic architecture design,system function module design and system database design.Fourth,the implementation of the education cloud platform is carried out.Based on Sina SAE cloud platform,we implement the education cloud platform in detail.After implementing the system code with PHP technology,we deploy it on Sina SAE cloud platform.As information technology has entered the era of universal Internet,the development of educational informatization will focus on Internet,big data and cloud services.The information construction of teaching and management based on cloud computing is not only a simple transformation of teaching mode,but also a major innovation in educational philosophy.Relying on the rapid development of cloud computing,education informatization will enter a new era.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cloud computing, Computer Assisted Instruction, Education platform
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