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Study On The Influence Of Heyuan Rural Clan Forces On The Grassroots Democratic Election

Posted on:2018-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Q JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330518953017Subject:Agricultural science and technology organizations and services
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper mainly uses heyuan city as an example,through the influence of the rural clan power of heyuan city to the grass-roots democratic election,and by analyzing the main causes of the influence of the clan influence,three parts of the study concluded:The first part,the development of heyuan clan forces mainly went through three stages: the golden age and the low period of the clan;The period of the revival of the clan.The second part,the active and negative influence of clan power on the election.The active influence of the clan influence on the grass-roots democratic election mainly includes: the influence of various clans and clans and the impartiality of the villagers' election.There is a balance of checks and balances between the clans,which leads to the virtuous competition of primary elections.The power of the clan can effectively supervise the election.The negative effects of clan power on grassroots democratic elections mainly include the use of violence by some clan forces and interference in democratic elections.The clan forces interfered in the process of grassroots democratic elections;The clan forces interfered in the results of the grass-roots democratic elections;The popularity of the clan's influence and the campaign against non-clan villagers in the election.The right to vote against non-religious people.Third,the use and weakening of the clan forces in the grass-roots democratic elections are positive and negative;We should make full use of the active role of clan forces in rural primary democratic elections;To undermine the negative influence of the clan by means of multiple candidates;Strengthening the style of community-level political organizations;Efforts to improve the cultural quality of the villagers;To formulate and improve the rules for the management of public affairs in rural areas;The correct view of the clan force is to prevent "death of a pole".The purpose of this article is to help the city of heyuan achieve its objective of democratic elections.
Keywords/Search Tags:democratic election at the grass-roots level, clan, clan power, clan activities
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