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Study On The Culture Clan Influence On Rural Governance

Posted on:2016-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B JiangFull Text:PDF
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Yixu is a sample in LinYaohua's study of clan villagein the 1930s.After the founding of New China.Because the fight against state power,Yixu clan disintegrated.After the 1980s,National weakenned control about Village.Farmers need more public services and public goods,Therefore,there has been the revival of clan culture.This article is a follow-up study about Yixu.When I collected information,I used fieldwork?interviews?literature.I analyzed the revival of cultural clan that Affected villagein Governance.A fundamental change produced that From Uniformed Clan To Cultured Clan.Uniformed Clan lost its economic base.Now,the main function of the clan culture is entertainment.Culture clan has a name but no substance.Culture clan is not the dominant village supervisor,Culture clan plays the role of auxiliary.Thesis is divided into five parts.The first part of this paper introduces the research background,research significance,research methods and data collection and review of the literature and related concepts.Then introduce the basic situation of Yixu.The second chapter consists of three areas:The performance of revival of cultural clan,The feature of revival of cultural clan,The reason of revival of cultural clan.The third part is the focus of this article.Firstly,analysis the rural governance of traditional society,Then analyzed from the founding of New China to Reform and Opening,The government-led rural governance.Finally,explained the relation that between culture clan and village governance.There are two meanings,First,the Relationship that between revival of Cultured Clan and Village Election?governance practices of supervisor.I concluded that Culture clan influence leader's elections and governance processes of the governed.However,This effect is not obvious in Yixu.Second,research the clan organization inside the culture clan.I think that clan culture itself is also active to make adjustments,combining modern society culture.Clan culture there are also some good factor in modern society.The fourth part is some of my own thinking.The fifth part is the conclusion.Background of this article is clan cultural renaissance in modern society.After the reform and opening,Clan culture revival affecting rural governance.Because of different levels of economic development and social and cultural differences,Degree of clan cultural influences Village Governance are different.The impact of cultural clan is comprehensive,Including political elections?economic activities?social and psychological and so on.We must evaluate clan cultural renaissance Objectively,And propose solutions to this problem.
Keywords/Search Tags:Uniformed clan, Cultured clan, Village governance, Clan village, Traditional society
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