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Based On A Dual Channei Mode Gray Prediction Model Under Reverse Logistics Demand Forecast

Posted on:2016-05-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y BaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2349330482463421Subject:Logistics engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the new situation, more and more companies began to try dual-channel sales model, which synchronize online and offline. In this mode, the enterprises to expand the scope of sales at the same time has ushered in a situation of increased reverse logistics, and increase the amount of reverse logistics will have an impact on corporate management, reverse logistics management needs scientific accurate demand forecasting. This article focuses on the dual channel mode reverse logistics management ideas and demand forecasting methods.This paper is divided into seven chapters, the first chapter introduces the research background, significance, research methods and the main content and structure of the thesis of the paper; the second chapter introduces the development status dual channel mode and theoretical researches; s chapters of this document refers to the theoretical basis of the analysis carried out; chapter for dual channel mode enterprise reverse Logistics Management Is big, proposed ABC management method; Chapter gray forecasting GM (1,1) model of the enterprise a class of materials amount to reverse logistics demand forecasting, and propose appropriate management strategies based on the amount forecast; Chapter VI cited examples to demonstrate the feasibility of the method; Chapter ? summarizes the main content of the article and the article points out the deficiencies. In view of the above, the research focus of this paper on the following two aspects:(1) To provide a dual-channel enterprise reverse logistics management ideas. First sales of commodity enterprise ABC classification, Class A materials management as a key target, its reverse logistics volume forecast. By building gray GM (1,1) model launched for Class A materials predict future changes in the value of reverse logistics drawn amount, thereby effectively rectification.(2) Dual channel mode provides two methods for enterprise management of reverse logistics. Reverse logistics for dual channel mode volume, variety and other features, ABC classification proposed management approach to prioritize. Because of the dual-channel mode reverse logistics difficult to collect large number of samples, and much uncertainty, gray prediction model can improve the prediction accuracy of prediction unfold.
Keywords/Search Tags:dual channel mode, reverse logistics management, demand forecasting
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