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Research On The Relationship Between Energy Structure And Carbon Intensity In China

Posted on:2017-06-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2349330488989155Subject:Quantitative Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, China’s energy structure is irrational, the low proportion of clean energy like nuclear power, wind power, solar energy and high proportion of three fossil energy coal, oil and gas, which is China’s resources reserve status "rich coal and oil, less gas". Unbalanced energy structure led to a serious of energy-related issues, a serious impediment to the healthy and sustainable development of social economy.From the research ideas, the article explores the relationship between the carbon intensity and the energy structure and mainly follow the "pros and cons" two sides to carry out the research. From the positive point of view, the article explores the impact of the carbon intensity of energy and differences influence according to the energy data from 1978 to 2013. Reverse perspective, the article studied the regional energy structure optimization path under the low-carbon constraints. From the research methods, the paper takes LMDI decomposition model to decompose factors of China’s carbon intensity like economic structure effects, energy intensity effects,energy consumption structure effects and carbon emission factor effects and calculates the value of the corresponding effect and contribution rates. Taking bionics with Lotka-Volterra equations known as "Predator, Prey Model" to explore the path of low-carbon and strategies under the constraint of a mixed energy industry cluster ecosystem of co-evolution.This article explored the hot research topic "energy structure", "carbon intensity" systematically discussed the use of energy economics theory, mathematical economic models, bionic evolutionary model, econometric testing and other methods.It is designed to find out China’s energy economy, social development and other issues.
Keywords/Search Tags:Energy structure, Carbon intensity, LMDI decomposition, Lotka-Volterra equations, Panel data
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