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The Design And Implementation Of Company Private Cloud Storage Based On FastDFS

Posted on:2017-01-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2349330512954813Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of the Internet, enterprise digital office has become the primary way for the company offers efficiency. As the core of the enterprise digital office which is document management now has no good solution. Most company use e-mail, web attachment, self-built FTP server way to share and manage files. But manage e-mail attachments or files can lead to file fragmentation and the lack of unified management. People often forget the location of the file, or look for a once used files takes a long time. And, often due to clean-up a message to delete important files. Files via FTP server on the file sharing also has many shortcoming. First, all of the file management tasks to FTP operation and maintenance personnel to deal with, we need to recruit the relevant technical personnel, and operation and maintenance personnel workload particularly large. Increased operating costs formula. Second, FTP lack of proper rights management. FTP server provides access only to read and write, can not meet the business needs of a wide range of file permissions management. Third, FTP can only offer upload and download files function. Does not provide file search, preview, edit, share, and other operations, is not conducive to business coordination office needs. Fourth, FTP has a limited capacity, its capacity is limited by the size of the local disk size. And can not be stored and distributed scales linearly capacity. Cause the disk takes a lot of energy after a full data migration. Fifth, FTP and no backup and redundancy. Once the disk is damaged, all files are lost. This enterprise is a fatal blow.This paper attempts to build a private cloud-based Fast DFS business matching service. Related companies use cloud computing services can be self-built private cloud disk has the following advantages: First, centralized file storage, file easy to unified management. Easy to solve the file is lost, and the help file search function, it's easy to find the desired file. Second, the underlying cloud disk using the distributed file system, capacity is no limit. When the existing storage is not enough, just you need to continue to add servers can achieve linear scalability cloud disk capacity. And a distributed file system has redundant backup function, single node failure does not cause loss of files. Third, self-built cloud associated with the disk can customize their own business needs on an underlying distributed file system. Such as file permissions, file operations can be customized personalized customized according to their own situation. To meet different needs of enterprises of different operating files. Fourth, self-built enterprise cloud disk deployment within the enterprise network, do not worry about leaked documents. While not dependent on any third-party vendors.This paper studied multiple distributed file system including Hadoop Distribute Filesystem and Fast DFS including, the final choice Fast DFS enterprise private cloud as the underlying storage disk constructed in this paper. And detailed enterprise private cloud disk system requirements analysis, system design. And ultimately the enterprise private cloud disk.
Keywords/Search Tags:The distribute file system, fastdfs, private cloud storage, distribute system, HDFS
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