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The Influence Of Xiang Yuanzhang's Painting Collection On The Style Of Qiu Yingqing's Green Landscape Painting

Posted on:2017-08-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330512967925Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It is more objective for understanding of a painter from a Collector. Qiu Ying earns a living by selling his paintings, and has contacts with many collectors.The mid Ming Dynasty famous collector Xiang Yuanbian makes the greatest influence on him. Qiu Ying lives in Xiang Yuanbian’s home for about ten years, as employee and also friend. The collections can be divide into three parts:painting when Qiu Ying living in Xiang Yuanbian’s home, buying when Qiu Ying had left his home and unable to determine the specific time.Comparing with the other artists, collections of Qiu Ying is the most. In this ten years, Xiang Yuanbian had making influence on Qiu Ying by copying, creating, funding and his self-cultivation, playing a role in old Qiu Ying’s development.The large collection made Qiu ying a high profile,advantaging to the preservation andcirculation of the paintings. By hard-working and funding from his teachers and friends, old Qiu Ying had an encyclopaedic knowledge of painting. His works, especially the green landscape painting is recognized by scholar in Wu Meng and later ages,became one of the four famous paiters in Wu Meng.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qiu Ying, Xiang Yuanbian, Collector, The landscape painting of blue and green colours
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