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On The Transformation Of Landscape Concepts In Painting

Posted on:2018-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K J LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330518972772Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Through the introduction of W.J.T Mitchell on the landscape as a medium of this theory,to explore the concept of landscape especially the landscape painting development and transformation,through the study of the works of artists to illustrate how the scenery is appearing in the painting as a medium,which has several bearing style and form,and thinking of landscape painting in the contemporary significance.The first chapter summarizes the historical role of landscape painting in the early stage.The scenery first appeared in the painting as a historical painting,and was subordinated to religious themes.Most of the paintings in the painting are only auxiliary.In the early days,there was no concept of landscape painting as an independent painting.However,painters still gradually raised the status of landscape painting through the description and exploration of landscapes.The second chapter discusses the relation between landscape painting and social class,power and viewer’s inner desire from the development of visual mechanism,the process and behavior of view.The relationship between the scenery and the people is more and more close,and has the relation with the human vision.Through people peeping,distant viewing way,exploring people’s inner power desire,and connecting the relationship between women and landscape painting,we find the meaning of mutual metaphor.The third chapter takes Friedrich’s painting as the bridge,analyzes the contemporary artist’s creation,the train of thought and the scenery idea in the landscape painting.The landscape,like a wave,develops from a trough and then gradually returns to a plateau.Now,to separate pure scenery connotation but also from naturalism and realism of Impressionist landscape painting,landscape painting has the real significance of the liberation of the forest,rocks,waterfalls,mountains and rivers,can carry artists want to give his spirit connotation,metaphor on the one hand they can be endowed with religion and divinity,poetic,can also have no meaning to a quiet,or the ruins of the present state of absurdity.
Keywords/Search Tags:landscape painting, watching, metaphor, contemporary
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