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An Analysis Of The Political Development Of Russian Political Parties During Putin's Period

Posted on:2017-09-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2356330485995601Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
All along, the institutional political parties in Russia are pursued multi-party system, the political system to a certain extent, increased the difficulty of the central administration, is also an objective political chaos exacerbated by the development of the Yeltsin period. Putin in such a time of opportunities and challenges exist and boarded the Russian political arena, through political parties standardization efforts, today’s Russia has been initially formed in the center of the centrist ordered multiparty system, even though the ruling has not yet carried out Party clearly defined, but give the government the party’s strong position and fully support Putin in the political decision-making will not be shaken. Even so vertical political party system largely affects the stability of the national party system in Russia, but in special circumstances this will have a strong presence rationality. Of course, if you want Putin to establish a multi-party system perfectly suited to their national conditions political party system in Russia has a long wait and effort.
Keywords/Search Tags:Putin, Russia, Party politics, Political party system
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