The Korean war is the first hot war of the East Asian between socialist camp and capitalist camp, the different discipline scholars have different search findings for why China decision to North Korea, with the latest files and evidence conference proceedings, the History is mainly focus on the leader’s thinking and dec is ion-making under the background of the Korean War, and concluding that China have many reasons to participate in the Korean War. With the theory as the guide, the international relations combined the archives with material from many countries to discuss some factors whichplay t-he important role in China decision to North Korea.Combining the alliance dilemma theory with the latest materials and achievements, this paper will focus on the reason of China decision to Korea War. In order to confronting with western union danger in the cold war, the Sino-Soviet alliance was stetted up. The Korean War become the touchstone to check out whether China and Soviet keeps the same front and ensures their national independence and security. With this perspective, not only we can understand the Sino-Soviet alliance interact procession and the influence which exerted, but also can we study the interaction and cognitive between Sino-Soviet alliance and the western alliance, at last we can grasp the structural factors about China decision to North Korea.From the perspective of the alliance dilemma, internal and external alliance dilemma can play the structural restriction and influence for China decision to Korean War. First, China was in the Sino-Soviet internal Alliance dilemma and forced to involve the Korean War. Due to the Sino-Soviet Alliance is asymmetric, China have to take the Soviet’s proposal and advice seriously. When the western alliance troops decide to over the38th, Soviet Union asks China to dispatch troops to the North Korea. If china refused the demand, Soviet Union will abandon china. As for China, the abandoned price was far greater than the involve cost, China was forced to decision to Korean War. Second, China is subject to the external alliance dilemma and active to participate the Korea war. There exist the alliance dilemma between Sino-Soviet Alliance and Western alliance. When the Western alliance decide to over the38th and want to unify the Korea Peninsula, the security dilemma became more worsen. The action influences the two countries’security and socialist political stability, especially the Korean Peninsula adjacent to the core region of China. At last, In avoid of the third world war, China actively decide to dispatch troops and Soviet Union provide more military and diplomatic assistance to safeguard national security, at the same time take a socialist country international responsibility.This paper will divide into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, including the origin of the topic, reviews, research methods, significance and innovation. The second chapter is the theoretical basis. I will introduce the theory of alliance and alliance dilemma, including what is the asymmetric alliance, what is the alliance dilemma and asymmetric alliance dilemma, etc. The third chapter will analyze how China subject to the external Alliance and force to dispatch troops into the Korea peninsula. Including the Sino-Soviet Alliance establishment, how the Sino-Soviet Alliance dilemma restricts China’s decision. The fourth chapter discusses the Sino-Soviet Alliance external dilemma. Including the Western alliance establishment and form, how the Alliance external dilemma affects the Chinese initiative to dispatch troops to North Korea. The last chapter is the conclusion. |