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The Reform Of Commercial Auto Insurance Clause And Rates In China To Property Insurers Impact Study

Posted on:2018-05-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z D GaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of China’s economy and the continuous improvement of people’s living standards,the car has become a necessity of production and life.Therefore china’s auto insurance market has risen rapidly.Because of the contradiction of extensive management,it exposes a lot of problems in the booming auto insurance market,Such as property insurance companies to seize market share caused by vicious competition,consumer rights can not be guaranteed,a number of insurance companies in the auto insurance business losses,etc..In order to ensure the healthy development of insurance market,and ultimately achieve the market auto insurance rates,China Insurance Regulatory Commission use the valuable experience accumulated from the previous experiments and exploration,and carry out the country’s commercial auto insurance market reform in 2015.From the reform so far,the auto insurance market has undergone significant changes,Not only high and low compensation and other issues are resolved,and the legitimate rights and interests of consumers are protected,while insurance companies also facing greater pressure on the operation before the reform.Firstly,this paper expounds the necessity of the reform of the motor vehicle insurance rate in China from the perspective of the development of the domestic auto insurance market and the experience of the foreign automobile insurance market reform.Secondly,by using the methods of literature research and comparative analysis,this paper sorts out the market of motor vehicle insurance rate reform process in China,and from the two aspects of the terms and rates of change,the reform of commercial auto insurance terms and rates compared with before this,including premium calculation,fee rate adjustment coefficient,adjust the amount of insurance premium,insurance liability and liability from all aspects.Then by using the method of investigation and research,this paper collects and analyzes the data of the company,analyzing the changes of the business insurance reform to the property management company from the perspective of property insurance companies.On the basis of the above,this paper sums up the opportunities and challenges brought by the reform of automobile insurance.Finally,the insurance companies face the opportunities and challenges of auto insurance reform and take corresponding countermeasures,For example,full play to the role of the sales channels,enhance product innovation and enhance the diversity of services,the use of auto insurance information platform,promote the vehicle insurance rate marketization process,the introduction of advanced vehicle networking technology,application of Internet data in the vehicle insurance market.
Keywords/Search Tags:Commercial auto insurance reform, Rate adjustment coefficient, Property insurance company, Auto insurance market
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