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Research On The Impacting Factors Of Usage Behavior Of Internet Financial Product Based On UTAUT

Posted on:2017-05-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330518495834Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Internet finance is a new financial model,which uses the Internet technology and mobile communication technology to achieve a series of modern information technology to achieve financial intermediation.2013 is known as the first year of Internet banking,the concept of the rise of Internet banking in the financial circle and the Internet caused a great sensation.In 2015,Internet banking is still hot,China required developing Internet banking one after another position,and the introduction of the relevant documents of a series of steady development of the financial support of the internet.Internet banking business model has been changing,the Internet is divided into three times:Internet banking 1 times,is to build cross platform,to achieve the investment and financing needs of different geographical area of the era,the Internet banking 2 era,to meet the needs of investors in different industries,the establishment of different industries in the era of financial institutions trading market,Internet banking 3 era,is to build cross-border international platform to attract foreign investment market.At present,our country is in the Internet era of financial 3,the 3 era of Internet banking will be moving towards the social,mobile,professional,scene oriented development.According to the guidance on promoting the healthy development of Internet finance,the Internet banking can be divided into a total of seven kinds,which can be namely:Internet payment,Internet lending,equity financing,Internet Banking(funds,trust),Internet insurance,credit and consumer finance.Among them,because of the growing awareness of residents,gradually began to find a higher yield financial products and more convenient investment channels,the Internet finance needs is more and more obvious,the growth of a broad space,the current rapid growth of the Internet banking market,in particular,the rapid development of monetary funds.However,due to the relatively simple,the industry profit model is relatively simple,the industry has entered a relatively low threshold,the industry has entered a relatively low threshold,many enterprises are entering the industry,and the product homogeneity is serious,and the competition is fierce.Moreover,China is no detailed regulatory rules promulgated,the policy is still relatively loose,personal information protection,information disclosure management,payment management,risk tips and other aspects will be regulatory focus.A model of the impacting factors of usage behavior of internet financial products is constructed which is based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology.The structural equation model is used to analyze the factors which influence the internet financial products’usage behavior as well as the relationship between these factors.The results indicate that the factors such as usage intention and facilitating condition directly influence usage behavior and the factors such as performance expectancy,effort expectancy,perceived risk and social influence by usage intention indirectly influence usage behavior.However,perceived cost has no significant influence on the usage intention.
Keywords/Search Tags:unified theory of acceptance and use of technology(UTAUT), internet financial products, perceived risk, perceived cost, structural equation model(SEM)
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