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Study On The Crowdfunding Modes Of A Enterprise

Posted on:2018-06-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X ZhouFull Text:PDF
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In the economic development in the "new normal" situation,the state is vigorously implementing the transformation and upgrading of the industry.With the rapid development of network technology,through the network channel financing has become a new model,this time the financing of all came into being.There are four main modes: reward,equity,debt and donation.At present,there are the most widely used incentive and equity applications.At present,many enterprises,especially small and medium enterprises,there are difficulties in financing,then the financing can help enterprises to ease the financial pressure,but how to choose the right model and how to implement the problem is still a problem.In this paper,through the introduction of A enterprises as a practical case of a detailed description of the enterprise not only to improve the efficiency of financing provides a method,and other companies want to raise funds also have a certain theoretical significance.In this paper,the case analysis method is selected in the research method,the introduction of A as a practical case analysis of the existing financing model of the existing problems and the introduction of the need for financing,in the choice of all models for the current application of the most widely.The model uses the data of 400 success cases on the crowdfunding platform,including the average income,the total amount of financing,the financing period,the type of return and other six indicators,use the multiple linear regression analysis get the conclusion is that the high reward is Reward-basedcrowd-funding.Based on the conclusion of the regression analysis,this paper makes a simple design of the content of the financing model of the enterprise and points out the difficulties and potential risks of the implementation.Finally,the author puts forward the risk of the different participants The corresponding safeguards,including internal safeguards and external safeguards.At the end of this paper,the paper summarizes and makes a prospect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Financing model, Crowdfunding, Crowdfunding platform
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