2014was the first year of Internet finance,the third party payment,P2 P,crowdfunding,Internet financial portal as the representatives of a variety of new modes surging.Crowdfunding as a new Internet financial models stand out by a lot of attention.The rise of crowdfunding for our investment model,the Internet financial innovation and small and medium business is important.Crowdfunding platform is developed based on the new financing model crowdfunding website platform,because of its unique model of development for the network marketing and new media development has brought new ideas,so it is popular at home and abroad.But crowdfunding is still in the exploration and improvement process as a new financing model in China,especially the special development environment in China.Many domestic electronic business platform are interested in the model,they lay out this industry,and expand market share relying on its own high-quality resources or partners.This resulting many small and medium platform development difficult.While most of the electricity business class crowdfunding platform is also facing a problem that they actually dong the sales business with a crowdfunding concept.Faced with the complex domestic environment,the small and medium crowdfunding platform how to find their own advantages and get a health development is the purpose of this paper.This paper will analyze the this based on a case of “Modian.com”,to explore the problems which small and medium platforms are facing,and put forward feasible suggestions to solve the problems from the strategic management level,and have a reference for the development of other small and medium crowdfunding platforms in China. |