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Risk Prevention And Control Research Of Power Grid’s Project Construction Management

Posted on:2018-05-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F NiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330536960211Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With drastic changes as well as revolutions of enterprises,internal control and risk management play more and more important roles in realizing strategic objectives,preventing sharp fluctuation of power grid enterprise’s performance and negative risks.Especially in this era with continuing urbanization and progressional information technology,Power is not only the new engine of economic development but also the lighthouse of economic operation.Therefore,internal management and risk prevention have become parts of the most significant strategic directions in power enterprises.Recent years accompanying with developing national economy and steadily increasing people’s life quality,electricity consumption as well as power grid scale of the whole society are rising and expanding steadily.Consequently,a series of controlling and managing risks,such as inefficient financial participation and control,blind investment for project beyond abilities leading to low unit asset sales,unreasonable load ratio and climbing debt with declining profit,stand out.This research,taking literature,empirical research and interviewing as the method of combining,gives deep insights of the thorough power grid project from setup to final assets transfer including three parts.The first part identifies and analyzes every stage’s potential risks in the national power grid engineering for future risks’ minimum.In the second part this research mainly concludes the both internal and external cause of these risks and applies the idea combining internal control with risk management to project management by setting key control points and steps.Finally,based on above two parts,a practical applied solution is established to promote present project management level and cope with troubles in the whole process ensuring minimal risks.
Keywords/Search Tags:Power Grid Project, Risk, Control Measures
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