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Research On Urban Road Landscape Design Based On Regional Cultural Features

Posted on:2021-05-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J SongFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China's vast territory,different geographical environments,and cultural traditions make many cities with strong historical and cultural flavors inherent in many differences.Therefore,the traditional regional and cultural attributes of urban landscape design are retained to show its unique personality charm and continue its Long vitality is the main problem facing design today.China's vast territory,diverse geographical environment and cultural traditions have made many cities have a strong historical and cultural atmosphere and regional differences.However,with the development of globalization,the city's image is increasingly converging.Therefore,the regional attributes of urban road landscapes are retained and continued.The historical context of the city has become an issue that cannot be ignored now.This article starts from the study of urban road landscape under the characteristics of regional culture,taking Xi'an Chandong New City as an example,by reading relevant literature,conducting field surveys and surveys,analyzing the road landscape elements,morphological characteristics,development advantages,etc.of Chandong New City,This paper proposes an effective principle and method for the construction and development of urban road landscape under the characteristics of regional culture.This article first analyzes the concept of regional culture and urban road landscape in terms of basic theory,explains the connotation and development needs of urban road landscape based on regional cultural characteristics,and analyzes and summarizes related cases to analyze regional urban roads.A deeper understanding of the landscape.Secondly,in terms of field research,according to its location and characteristics,the representative roads of the relatively concentrated areas in each district of the New East City were selected,and three types of road planning types,namely Urban Yingbin Avenue,Urban Life Landscape Road,and Urban Cultural Landscape Road,were analyzed.Summarize and summarize the advantages and disadvantages of the road landscape development of the Dongdong New Town,and put forward relevant design suggestions for the development of the regional cultural road landscape,and summarize more practical performance methods.Finally,in terms of design practice,the ten landscape avenues of the Panda New City were designed and reconstructed,and the overall spatial layout in this area was analyzed and integrated to explore the road landscape design with the regional cultural characteristics of Panda New City.Eventually,the urban road landscape under the characteristics of regional culture can be further developed in the metabolism,thus bringing reference and reference value to the road landscape under this background.Finally,it is hoped that the road landscape design in the future urban development process can be expected.Bring positive reference and inspiration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Region, culture, urban road, landscape design
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