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On The Expansion And Innovation Of Print Media Materials

Posted on:2019-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y GaoFull Text:PDF
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Engraving is a highly productive art category,which relies on specific techniques and techniques to make and print media as a carrier and form a unique artistic language.Since the emergence of the first panel paintings have now more than 1100 years,a variety of media material,Type of prints,techniques to mature and gradually formed its own system,for the print development has injected new life.In recent years,the rapid development of science and technology,and so did the update of medium material,print to explore the application of all kinds of medium materials,comprehensive,crossover,etc.,played down the picture,the gap between breaking the "boundary".In contemporary art,the art concept is more unified and diversified.However,the media materials used as auxiliary means gradually turn into more spiritual communicators,and also provide more forms of development possibilities for the print ontology language.On the other hand,the expansion of the space of artistic concept carried by media materials has gradually led to the unique aesthetic and spiritual quality of prints.The rich media materials not only bring more creative inspiration and expression techniques to artists,but also give viewers more and more updated visual experience.Brought opportunities and challenges for development of engraving,but at the same time also faces some problems,such as:public awareness about prints and prints the recession of the market and overly obsessed with enough skill,so that the work lacks depth;On the subject matter,there is a lack of micro,macro and so on.However,as a carrier of print art,the development prospect for the future of prints I hold the optimistic positive attitude,its maturity and market regulation is an inevitable process,the progress of science and technology of China's economic development and the world will provide more opportunities for prints,also give print art great space for development.Finally,through the exploration of the development and innovation of print media materials,this paper applies the understanding and perception of media materials to my graduation creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Media material, contemporaneity, comprehensive, Cross boundary, development, creation
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