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Talk About "Carving Base On Material" From The Chinese Traditional Wood And Stone Carvings

Posted on:2019-09-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G F P ShangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper comes straight to the aesthetic modelling feature of "material-based carving" in the creation of Chinese traditional sculpture.Taking Chinese traditional stone and wood carving as the main cut-in point,this paper chews on the implied traditional philosophy and aesthetic preference in ancient Chinese sculpture,from which several sculpture art forms which fully embody Chinese traditional philosophy and aesthetic preference are drawn out: root carving,jade carving,stone carving(tomb sculpture),and woodcarving(architectural sculpture).Under the premise of clarifying the specific meaning of the “material-based carving ",this paper deeply analyzes the concrete embodiment of “material-based carving" in different period and different material carving works,and then carries on to explore the cause of the formation;then a comparison study is conducted between the traditional Chinese sculpture and Chinese modern sculpture,which leads to the exploration of the significance of traditional aesthetic essence to the contemporary sculpture art creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese Traditional sculpture, Wood carving, Contemporary significance of traditional sculpture
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