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Research On "Intersubjectivity" In Liang Shih-chiu' Translation Of Wuthering Heights

Posted on:2020-10-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330575496589Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article is the “translation studies” made in the perspective of “comparative literature”.Its purpose is mainly based on the “intersubjectivity” theory as the framework to explain Liang shih-chiu how to infiltrate the cultural factors of Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism into its translation,and it is inevitably subject to the “reaction” of the original language culture.The first chapter mainly discusses Husserl's concept of “intersubjectivity” and Heidegger's “Desein” and Gadamer's “fusion of horizon” has reform the“transcendental ego”.So we will use the concept of “intersubjectivity” after“reformation” as the theoretical basis of “translation studies”.In the second chapter of this article,it mainly introduces the “contradictions” in Liang shih-chiu's translation of Wuthering Heights—that is,the“contradictions” between his literary concept of “classical” “rational” and the literary practice of translating“romantic” and “sensible" works.There is a “paradox” between them,but behind the contradiction is the basic principle of “literature reflects humanity” that Liang shih-chiu has been proclaiming.In the eyes of Taoism and Romantics,this “humanity” is connected with the “natural” spirit.Therefore,Liang shih-chiu translated the word“wuthering” in the title into “roaring”,which describes the natural image “wind” and the voice of the people.In the understanding between “natural” and “unnatural”,“humanity”and “non-humanity”,the title's choice of Liang shih-chiu and Emily achieve an internal consistency.In fact,when discussing the issue of "humanity",we cannot leave a specific figure.Therefore,seeking Liang shih-chiu how to construct Linton's image with the help of Confucius and Aristotle's thought has become the main content of the third chapter.By combing the “mean” of Confucius and the “???????” of Aristotle,I found that the two are similar in the “not going to extremes” and “just right” level,so when Liang shih-chiu translated “resignation” into “control one's lust”.It not only gives the character of Linton's traditional Chinese scholars,but also complements the “temperance” advocated by Aristotle.In addition,the “mean” emphasizes the belief of “neutralization” and pays more attention to the ethics and morality under the “ceremony” norms.Therefore,theideological implication of “ceremony” is also highlighted in the translation.However,“ceremony” has both “neutralization” and “separation”.Under this“separation” hierarchy,the way of Linton and Hindley to Heathcliff became the reason for his later revenge,at least in Emily's view,because she has always adhered to the“justice” of Christian's “teeth and teeth”.However,Liang shih-chiu believes that Heathcliff is “guilty” and can only resort to “Buddhism” for repentance.As the main content of the fourth chapter of this article,the focus is to introduce Liang shih-chiu's“pre-understanding” of Buddhism and the reading of “revenge” and “redemption” of Heathcliff.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liang shih-chiu, Emily Bront?, Wuthering Heights, Intersubjectivity, Translation Study
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