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The Research On Fragmentation Of Rural Public Service Supply And Its Holistic Governance

Posted on:2015-11-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ZengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330488499894Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of national economy,our country received a significant development of rural economy.Farmers,on public service,gradually increase the quantity requirements and quality continuous improvement,which shows that the rural public service demand is becoming diversified direction.The third plenary session of the sixteenth proposes that public service which is deemed to an important function of the government.Our government’s function is taking a shift positively,from economic construction to the public service.However,the serious fragmentation phenomenon that is occurred on the current rural public service supply,which hinders the development of political,economic,cultural and social construction in the new neriod of rural areas.Since the 1990s,after the new public management,holistic governance theory gradually becomes a new revolution of management,it is dedicated to solve the fragmentation and the thorny problem in the process of governance.Based on the framework of holistic governance theory and takes the fragmentation as the mapping analysis tool,from the target values,governmental institutions’ decision-making and inter-regional collaboration with the governments,governmental and non-governmental organizations of the four variables to explain the fragmentation of rural public service supply problems.This paper makes a detailed analysis and explanation to the causes of rural public service supply,including local government incentives and pressure in target values,structure and morphology rigid governmental organizations,the differences of inter-regional resources and competitive elements,the role ambiguity of rural social organizations and collective action dilemma.Moreover,the "one-stop" pattern of rural public service center in Chongqing and the "pluralistic governance" pattern of rural public service collaboration in Chengdu,as the topic cases,increase the practical and reliable effects.Finally,Facing the fragmentation’ predicament,on the foundation of its formation mechanism,this paper puts forward the construction of holistic governance strategy system,aiming at the fragmentation of rural public service supply.Including the supply of public services to the target value is determined by the efficiency of a fair transition;government vertical and horizontal organizational structure effective integration;regional sharing of information resources and government relations reasonable adjustments;establish a stable and effective multi-partnership.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural public service, Fragmentation, Holistic governance
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