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Research On The Vertical Fragmentation Of Public Service Supply Under The System Of "Responsibility Isomorphism"

Posted on:2021-05-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y D DuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330605457348Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The supply capacity of public services reflects the country’s comprehensive governance capacity and governance level.Therefore,providing high-quality and efficient public services to society is an inevitable value pursuit of the public sector.At the same time,under the guidance of the information age,the content and system of public services are undergoing profound changes,providing new technical means for more efficient and convenient public services.However,the fragmentation of public service supply is still outstanding.There are some factors become new challenges to public service supply,such as poor coordination between government levels and departments,inability to effectively integrate public service systems,independent construction under the auspices of information technology,and mutually divided supply systems have further aggravated the fragmented supply dilemma.Therefore,solving the fragmentation problems of public service supply is an inevitable prerequisite for improving the efficiency of public service supply and improving the public service supply system.In the past,many researches on fragmentation of public services have focused on fragmentation at the horizontal level,and the discussion on fragmentation of public services has focused on the fragmentation of the whole at the unified level.However,the provision of education informatization shows an obvious layered fragmentation,so this article focuses on the vertical fragmentation structure in the provision of public services and proposes that the supply of education informatization is a "vertical fragmentation" construction.This vertical fragmentation based on the administrative level and the faults are built between the vertical levels which are different from each other and resulting in a hierarchical fragmentation supply mode.Based on this,this article uses holistic governance to construct the vertical fragmentation problem presented by education informatization,Then extracts the"activity-coordination-integration" framework from the holistic governance theory as the basic analysis framework and uses "target-method" chain to focus on the logic of action in the public sector to analyzes the causes and paths of vertical fragmentation in the provision of education informatization.Finally builds an integrated system to illustrate the path of the overall construction of public services.The study found that there is a "vertical fragmentation" construction in the provision of education informatization.Among them,the main objectives,supply content,information and cognition of the supply subject present an obviousfragmented structure at the vertical level.The independent and interleaved supply system with "level attributes" in the vertical direction has failed to achieve an efficient and unified and complete supply model.Through the analysis of the main action logic of the public sector,it is found that the causality of vertical fragmentation is mainly concentrated in five dimensions,one is the organizational dimension.This includes fragmentation of organizational mechanisms,imbalanced power and responsibility systems,fragmentation of organizational actions and fragmentation of horizontal departments.Second,the cognitive dimension includes the distinct cognitive differences within the government and the non-uniform cognitive levels at the same level.Third,the institutional structure,including institutional fragmentation,institutional softening and lack of institutional strategy.Fourth,the resource dimension,including limited resources and inefficient use,complexresource-dependent systems,decentralized resource configuration logic,etc.Fifth,the demand dimension,including demand disregard,actively closed demand path and the contradiction implied by the expression of "agent" demand.These five dimensions form tension within the public,tearing apart the government’s vertical action system based on "responsibility isomorphism".Therefore,this paper starts from the five dimensions of vertical fragmentation and builds a holistic public service supply system based on the"coordination-integration" framework.Including coordination system and integration system,in which coordination system builds target subsystem and information subsystem,integration system builds demand subsystem,action subsystem and organization subsystem.The fragmented actions and horizontal and vertical relationships are combined to provide a supply model that ensures that public services operate within the overall framework and achieve an efficient supply system.
Keywords/Search Tags:vertical fragmentation, holistic governance, education informatization, public services
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