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An Empirical Study On The Classification And Management Of Prosecutors

Posted on:2019-01-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ZouFull Text:PDF
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Executive summary : In perfecting the judicial personnel classification management,perfecting the legal responsibility system,improve the judicial personnel professional security and promote the province under the district court's procurator ate in the reform of four human,financial and unified management,reform of the judicial system in the core position.The judicial personnel classification management is the advance reform of judicial responsibility system.Based on judicial personnel management,this paper mainly analyzes the problems existing in procurator personnel classification management,their causes and solutions.The first chapter of this paper is a summary of the classification management of procurators.The first chapter mainly analyzes the system evolution of procurator classification management,the types of procurator classification management and the theoretical basis of procurator classification management.From the point of system evolution,classification of procurator personnel management reform has been developing in succession,embodied in its development,prosecutors categories in a constantly changing,the proportion of all kinds of personnel in the clear,by 2013 the opinions on classified management of the personnel system reform in the people's procurator ate,prosecutors,the procurator personnel,specific judicial administrative personnel number proportion among three kinds of basic drawing.From the perspective of the type of procurator personnel classification management,with the chief complaint of procurator officer for typical local prosecutors classification management practice and guided by the author and the professional division of procurator personnel outside of classified management experience,constantly blend in the reference.From the theoretical basis of the classification management of procurators,the main reasons for the reform of classification of procurators are to promote the judicial credibility,to promote the administrative work of procurators,and to enhance the professional meritocracy of procurators.The second chapter of this paper is an empirical analysis of the classification management of procurators.Taking G province and J province of G province procurator classification management as an empirical sample,the paper analyzes the design of post procurator selection system,the status of entry-level procurator and the classification and placement of assistant procurators and judicial administrators.From the point of view of post inspection system design,the system design of examination and examination conforms to the original intention of leading procurators to the first line of judicial case investigation.Through the system design,the members of the inspection committee can basically enter the post prosecutor system through the assessment.The examination content design is similar to the administrative cadre selection method,which strengthens the selection right of the post procurator.The way the examination is conducted is more favorable for young prosecutors,but it only takes up 30 per cent of the score,and the role of the examination is somewhat diluted.According to the actual situation of the selected post procurators,the proportion of the hospital leaders who enter the post procurators sequence is in the frame of pre-established system.The classification and assignment of procurator auxiliary personnel and judicial administrative personnel generally follow the transitional principle of "the old way,the new way".After personnel classification and post determination,the case management organization carried out the surface design.The third chapter of this paper is to analyze the problems and causes of the classification management of procurators.The classification management of procurators has made certain achievements,but at the same time,there is a tendency of "centrifuge" in the procurator team,weak cohesion,poor self-determination of the procurator's work,the role of the selection committee has not been fully played,"Who is responsible for handling cases" has not yet been thoroughly implemented.The main reasons for these problems are: the adaptability of the prosecutor's identity and the adjustment of the benefit distribution mechanism,The adaptability of the posts prosecutor is not perfect.The selection committee system is not perfect.The concept and supporting measures of the "responsible prosecutor" need to be improved.The fourth chapter of this paper puts forward concrete countermeasures to improve the classification management of procurators.To solve the problems in the classification management of the procurator personnel,we must establish and improve the relevant policies of the reform of the judicial responsibility system,such as the implementation of the reform policy of the procurator's wage system and the implementation of the reform policy of the duty sequence.We should actively establish a new team of case handling,improve the judicial supervision mechanism and other supporting reforms,and form a work organization form that is compatible with the implementation of the judicial responsibility system.We need to separate professionally or integrate institutions as a guide to promote the reform of internal institutions.We should improve the mechanism of judicial responsibility system with performance evaluation as the baton,perfect the list of power,perfect the guiding mechanism,perfect the performance evaluation system,improve the incentive mechanism,and promote the effect of judicial responsibility system landing.We should strengthen the construction of procurator culture and enhance the cohesion of prosecutors.
Keywords/Search Tags:Reform of the judicial system, Classification management, Post Prosecutor
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