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Study On The Old-age Security Of Empty-nest Elderly In Rural Areas

Posted on:2019-11-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y NieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330569979196Subject:Social security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the aging of the population continues to deepen,the issue of old-age care has gradually become a social issue related to the national economy and the people's livelihood.Due to the outflow of rural surplus labor caused by urbanization,the implementation of family planning policies,and the transformation of people's ideology and concepts,the number of empty nest families in rural areas continues to increase.The old-age resources for empty nest elderly in rural areas are greatly deficient,and the function of family endowment is weakening.Social pensions are imperfect and community pensions are still in the initial stage of development.As a result,empty nest elderly people in rural areas are faced with problems such as lack of material resources,weak economic foundations,lack of care for living,and lack of spiritual comfort.Therefore,the problem of old-age care for elderly empty nest in rural areas are more severe.In cities,various social security policies are increasingly perfect.In rural areas,the elderly are still excluded from social security.They can only seek non-institutional pension security based on blood and geographical relationships.Therefore,how to solve the issue of the rural empty nests pension for the elderly has become a problem that the entire society needs to solve urgently.The paper is based on the definition of the concept of “the rural empty nest elderly” and the “rural endowment insurance” and guided by the theory of “Maslow's hierarchy of needs” and “social exchange theory”.The investigation and research on the status quo of the old-age security for the empty-nest old people has provided a general overview of the situation of old-age security for empty-nester old people and non-empty-nest old people in Shijing village,Hejian City,Hebei Province.According to the survey data,it is analyzed that there are five problems in the economic security of empty-nest elderly people in Shijing village,such as the single source of economic supply,lack of daily care,excessive pressure on medical expenses,lack of spiritual comfort,and weak security prevention.Then this paper discusses in detail the reasons for the problem of pension security for empty nest elderly people in Shijing village from the three subjects of government,society and family.Finally,based on the above problems,it puts forward solutions to solve the problem of pension security for empty nest elderly people in Shijing village.Firstly,the government should play a leading role in rural elderly nursing for empty nesters,increases financial investment,improves rural social security system,and promotes healthy aging.Second,families give full play to the main role of elderly empty-nester old-age security in rural areas and promote active aging.Thirdly,the community should play an active role in providing rural elderly empty-nest pensions,establish rural welfare mutual aid homes,and increase the construction of rural elderly care facilities...
Keywords/Search Tags:rural empty nest, rural old-age security, family pension, Social endowment
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