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Research On Information Release Of Government Micro-blog In Media Events Analysis Of Chongqing Bus Riverfall Accident

Posted on:2020-05-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330572492285Subject:Press and Communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In modern society,unexpected incidents occur frequently,and the negative impact of media incidents is aggravated.Its negative impact on society has to be taken seriously.When dealing with media incidents,government microblogs usually treat media incidents as ordinary emergencies.Therefore,this paper aims to resolve the negative impact of media incidents through the information release of government micro-blog.This paper collects and analyses the data through literature analysis,case analysis,statistical analysis,content analysis,interviews and other methods.Firstly,this paper combs the status quo of domestic and foreign research with literature analysis,defines the relevant concepts and determines the theoretical basis of this study;secondly,it determines the media event sample "Chongqing bus crash accident",government microblog sample "@Chongqing publication,@Wanzhou publication,@Ping’an Chongqing,@Chongqing fire fighting,@Chongqing traffic,@Chongqing network police,@Chongqing traffic patrol police",and uses case analysis.Law research sample,from the government micro-blog information release profile,information release content and information release effect to investigate the current situation of government micro-blog information release.It is found that government micro-blog still has some problems in information publishing,such as one-way information publishing,official thinking leading,ignoring event types,unable to eliminate noise and unable to self-localize,etc.Then it explores the reasons for the problems of government micro-blog from the internal and external perspectives through interviews and content analysis.Finally,on the basis of multi-modal theory and crisis information demand theory,this paper puts forward some suggestions for optimizing government micro-blog information dissemination and constructs a flow chart of government micro-blog information dissemination in media events.In order to further promote the new government media to play a leading role through the study of media incidents and government micro-blog.
Keywords/Search Tags:government microblog, media events, information release, multi-modality, crisis information demand theory
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