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Study For The Copyright Protect Of Video Games

Posted on:2019-06-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J W SunFull Text:PDF
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With the rapid development of China's Internet,video games on various terminals have entered millions of households and become the first choice for people's leisure and entertainment.China has become the world's number one gaming power.While the video game is booming,the video game broadcast industry has risen.However,problems have also emerged.The video game industry is short-sighted for independent research and development.The industry is full of “shanzhai” phenomena,and live-copyright copyright protection cannot be started with problems.On the other hand,the protection of the game industry in China's current copyright law has been lagging behind.In judicial practice,it is difficult for rights holders to effectively protect the copyright of their video games.In order to protect the healthy and sustainable development of the video game industry,copyright protection for video games can be described as imminent.This article hopes to analyze these existing issues and come up with some feasible suggestions for improving the copyright protection system for video games in the future.The specific arrangements are as follows:The first chapter briefly introduces the concept of video games and the related provisions of the Copyright Law,and puts forward two problems through the analysis of the status quo of China's video game copyright protection: First,the pattern of video game copyright protection is unknown;Second,there is controversy overcopyright protection of video game live broadcasts.In response to the first question,the current judicial practice in China is usually to decompose video games into various game elements,and then protect them according to the types of works to which each element belongs.However,such a protection model has great deficiencies and should be considered as a games are protected by copyright;for the second question,the current video game live broadcast in China is a new product.The legal nature of live pictures and whether they constitute reasonable use of live broadcasts are highly controversial in both academic and judicial practice.Need further analysis below.The second chapter analyzes the copyright protection mode of video games.Through theoretically discussing the overall video game as computer software works,film and television works,and independent types of works,and analyzing the feasibility,and combining our country's judicial case,put forward their own views.The third chapter analyzes the controversy arising from the protection of video game live copyright.First,select two representative cases of copyright infringement of video games and copyrights,and analyze the current focus of copyright protection for video games in China's judicial practice.That is,whether the legal nature of video game live broadcasts and live activities constitute reasonable use.Analyze these two issues.Chapter IV concludes.For the issues discussed above,it is suggested that China establish an overall protection model for video games.Since there are few cases for the overall protection of video games in China,it is suggested that American infringement judgment methods be reasonably used to better perfect the protection system for video game copyrights in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:video games, works, Live streams, copyright infringement, copyright protection
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