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The Study Of Patient Autonomy

Posted on:2021-04-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Z ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330626461264Subject:Law and law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of China’s economy,people’s living conditions are increasingly optimized,and awareness of rights is gradually increasing.Increasing rights disputes also make the doctor-patient relationship particularly tense.In order to solve the conflict between the doctor and the patient and protect the patient’s dignity and self-rights,the Chinese legal community and in medical practice should attach importance to the patient’s rights to pursue medical autonomy.At present,the protection of patient rights in China mainly applies the provisions of criminal law,civil law and other departmental laws.Special laws such as the "Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Medical Practitioners" and "Managerial Regulation of the Medical Institutions" and other special laws focus more on the behavioral norms and protection of medical personnel,and lack of attention to patients’ own rights.This article takes the development status of patient autonomy in Taiwan as an entry point,review and compare the already implemented "Hospice Palliative Care Regulation" and "Patient Autonomy Rights Law" that have been implemented in Taiwan,China.Similar social family concepts and common medical problems make it feasible for the mainland to learn from.Study and analyze China’s current Constitution,Criminal Law and Civil Law to protect the basic rights of patients,and summarize the obstacles in medical practice.There are many factors that affect the protection of patients’ autonomy in China,including the imperfection of laws and regulations,the problems in the medical community,and the influence of the traditional social outlook and family outlook.In the future,in designing a system to protect the autonomy of patients in China,it is necessary not only to implement the protection of the right of informed consent of patients,but also to effectively protect the legal rights of medical personnel.Carry out "two-way protection" for both doctors and patients,establish a trust model of interests between the two.Clarify the boundaries of rights and obligations for patients,relatives and medical institutions to make reference when faced with relevant choices.
Keywords/Search Tags:Patient autonomy, doctor-patient relationship, right to life, informed consent
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