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A Study On The Selection Mechanism Of International Organizations’ Young Professional Programs

Posted on:2021-05-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330626954736Subject:Comparative Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The number of researches on international organizations is keep increasing in recent years.With the progress of globalization,international organizations are playing an increasingly prominent role in solving international affairs,however,there are still not enough Chinese young professionals working in international organizations at present.It does not match with our country’s responsibility and image to build human destiny community.Therefore,it will be meaningful to develop an active international organization talent team for our country to participate in the global education governance and enhance the speaking right in the world.This research takes the Young Professionals Programme(YPP)of international organizations as the study object,and analyzes characteristics and selection process of this programme,which attempts to bring beneficial inspirations to develop global organization talents with Young Professionals Programme.This paper includes five parts:The first part mainly introduces the background and significance of this topic.The author sorts out and analyzes the research of related topics at home and abroad,and defines important concepts in this research.Part two,three and four of this paper analyze the status and characteristics of young professionals selection in the United Nations,the World Bank and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development respectively.In the part of current situation of young professionals in international organizations,it reviews the history and functions of international organizations and describes the status of Chinese employees in international organizations.Besides,characteristics of young professionals in international organizations are illustrated from the application requirements,procedures and evaluation standards of the project with individual cases working in global organizations through young professionals programme.Based on the above discussion and analysis,the last part of the paper summarizes the similarities of international organizations in the selection of young professionals,in terms of their education,age,language,personal experience and basic competences.Also,differences in the selection of young professionals are mentioned.While more and more Chinese young professionals work in international organizations,it still has a long way to reach the satisfying situation.Therefore,we should pay attention to develop subjects and competences that necessary to global organizations on the basis of foreign language learning.The country ought to promote the progress of development of talents,it is helpful for our country to participate in the global governance of economy and education,and to contribute world development.
Keywords/Search Tags:International Organizations, Young Professional Program, the United Nations, the World Bank, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
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