The strategy of international organizations of the United States isthat the United States dominates and controls the internationalorganizations established by it to indirectly obtain the world’ sleadership, prevent the rise of regional powers and maintain the primacyof the United States, especially the United Nations, the InternationalMonetary Fund and NATO,which are the three major political, economic andmilitary organizations.There are many scholars to study the internationalorganizations or the United States hegemony separately, but the study ofthe role of international organizations in the maintenance of U.S.hegemony after the Cold War is insufficient. After the Cold War, differentinternational organizations have shaped the international order indifferent fields,which is closely linked with any country, so the researchon the strategy of international organizations of the United States issignificant to the international relations..This paper analyzes the theory about the international organizations,and point out that the international organizations for the U.S. hegemonicstrategy provide“theoretical legitimacyâ€. Through reviewing the processof the formation of U.S. hegemony and the establishment of the three majorinternational organizations led by the United States, we can see that thestrategy of international organizations of the United States has its owndistinctive features,which is different from the ever hegemony States.Since the Cold War was over, the four president of the United States onthe application of international organizations reflects that the UnitedStates hopes to control the wold in a different way. The United Statesis firmly in control of international organizations depending on itseconomic and military status, such as the United Nations, theInternational Monetary Fund and NATO to make a beneficial decision to theUnited States.However, when these international organizations don’t agree to the request of the United States, the United States directlybypass them. In addition, the United States in the new situation,alsocontrols the direction of the reform of these international organizationsto adapt to the interests of the United States. |