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Analysis Of Legal Issues In Macro-control Of The Real Estate Market

Posted on:2021-02-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C H HuangFull Text:PDF
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Since the continuous deepening of China's housing commercialization refor ms in the late 1990 s,the reform of the housing system has expanded domestic demand t o a certain extent,spurred the growth of the national economy,and also led to the devel opment of related industries,and the real estate industry has also been determined by th e State Council as China's The pillar industries of the economy have made treme ndous contributions to the development of the national economy.However,the overheat ed real estate economy has brought tremendous pressure to people's lives and wil l inevitably lead to the instability of the national economic development.A series of me asures have been adopted to ensure its stable development,but the effect is significantly small.People only focus on the starting point of regulation and ignore the legality behi nd regulation.This is obviously contrary to the development of the market economy.Le gitimacy is the pursuit of macro regulation One of the values,but most of the results of t he regulation and control we have seen are illegal and true reflections.The macro-control law is the general term for the legal norms that adjust the econo mic relations that occur during the process of macro-control.State intervention in marke t entities does not directly limit the market transactions that market entities can engage i n,and which market transactions cannot be engaged in,directly through the legal provis ions on powers and obligations,but indirectly conducts market entities in accordance wi th the law in accordance with macro-control laws.Intervention,usually manifested in le gally regulated economic policies(such as taxation,currency,and fiscal policies),enabl es market players engaged in market transactions to seek advantages and avoid disadvan tages and choose their own market economic behaviors.If market trading behaviors con form to these economic policies,Then they will get permission and encouragement,and if they contradict these economic policies,they will be restricted or even banned.The method of macro-control,whether it is by economic means or administrative means,must take the law as the starting point.The law is not only the basis for the state to conduct macro-control,but also has the function of regulating the operation of power and preventing the abuse of power in the process of regulation.This article is based on t he analysis and summary of the current macro-control methods of China's real estate market,focusing on the legal problems in the process of regulation.For these proble ms,through studying some effective practices in other countries,we seek to solve these problems in order to improve our real estate.Research on the Legal System of Macroec onomic Regulation and Control of MarketsThe first part of the article discusses the legitimacy of the government's reg ulation and control of the real estate market from the perspective of the necessity of the government's regulation and control of the real estate market and the country&ap os;s economic management functions.The second part reviews the methods of China&a pos;s macro-control of the real estate market in recent years and sorts out The types of r eal estate market regulation and control,from the legal level analysis of the existing def ects,and the effectiveness of the control measures adopted at various stages,to provide experience for China's real estate market macro-control,the third part by sorting out the results of foreign developed countries'macro-control of the real estate ma rket For example,Singapore,Japan,the United States and other countries have been enl ightened.Based on the flaws in the legal issues analyzed in this article,we have summar ized our country 's accumulated experience in the process of regulation and control over the years,and put forward suggestions to improve the system of macroeconomic regula tion and control in China 's real estate market in order to solve the current problems.Th e various problems of the theory provide theoretical support and help for the macro-cont rol of the real estate market.The pillar position of the real estate industry in China 's ec onomy has long been an indisputable fact.The huge impact of the real estate industry o n our economy requires the government to strengthen macro-control in the real estate m arket and give more energy.This is to maintain social equity and achieve An important way to optimize the allocation of resources and accelerate the steady and robust develop ment of China's real estate market...
Keywords/Search Tags:Real estate, Macro-control, Legality, Real estate tax
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