The WeChat public number,as a carrier of communication,is now at a golden stage of development because it has the advantage of providing users with information anytime,anywhere,with high dissemination effectiveness,accurate positioning,and a one-to-many,easy-to-share communication advantage,becoming a sports news dissemination.The important way.News reporting of sports anomie is a non-negligible area in sports news reporting.It has distinctiveness,abnormality,negativity,and the characteristics of being more easily re-dispatched.Its social attention is higher than other types of sports news events..In this paper,the author summarizes the causes and specific classification of the moral anomie of competitive sports,based on the previous studies on the information dissemination of WeChat and the behavior of sports morality.Secondly using the literature material method,case analysis method,data statistics,the "" desperate "violence ","Elaine stimulant event","yi" slippers door "event","Qin Sheng malicious foul event","liu shiwen negative events" five representative moral anomie of competitive sports events to spread the main body,timeliness,content,form,effect the five aspects of analysis,and then summed up the moral anomie of competitive sports events has spread the main body "complications",news information attenuation change fast,user participation "extensive",the user response to the "instant",news reports "title",user discussion tone "negative" six characteristics.At the same time,it points out the problems in the spread of WeChat.The results of the study show that the WeChat public number is convenient for the dissemination of sports moral anomie,and there are some problems: first,there is a lack of professional coverage of WeChat public number of media class.Second,the timeliness of news reporting needs to be enhanced.Third,the content of news content,repetition rate is high,lack originality.Fourth,the form of communication is simple and lacks depth.Fifth,ignore user feedback,lack of effective interactivity.To solve the above problems,we propose a corresponding solution: first,the media WeChat public number should play a role and guide the public opinion direction.Second,increase the timeliness of news reports and attract more attention from users.Third,enrich the news and information genre to provide more choices for users.Fourth,improve the quality of news information and focus on content as the king’s criterion.Fifth,optimize the feedback mode and enhance the interaction effect.It is hoped thatthis will improve and standardize the quality of the reporting of sports ethics and promote the healthy development of sports news communication in China. |