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Study On The Design And Practice Of The Element-based “Oxygenated Derivatives Of Hydrocarbons” Unit

Posted on:2020-08-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330572481223Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the 21 st century,facing the rapid development of the era economy,there are new requirements for the quality of talent training,what kind of people to train,how to train people,and become a hot topic for educational researchers,paying attention to the cultivation of "core literacy" At present,there are major trends in the theoretical research and practical changes in basic education in countries around the world.The Ministry of Education defines “core literacy” as the essential character and key ability that students should have to meet the needs of lifelong development and social development.The newly revised "General High School Chemistry Curriculum Standards"(2017)sets the three-dimensional goals of knowledge and skills,processes and methods,emotional attitudes and values.The purpose is to enable students to develop high school chemistry courses in the development of three-dimensional goals.And develop the core literacy of chemistry disciplines,The main contents of the research are:First,through the literature research core students to learn the way,the research results show that in the classroom teaching should create a real teaching situation,using the problem as a clue to start classroom teaching.Develop students’ ability to analyze problems and solve problems.The second is to analyze the knowledge content of Organic chemistry in the general high school chemistry curriculum standards and chemistry textbooks,and gradually explore the chemistry-based Organic chemistry unit design and activity design.The third is to propose the teaching advice of Organic chemistry knowledge under the guidance of core literacy,and promote the transformation of classroom teaching methods from “knowledge transfer,analysis” to “meaning construction”.Finally,the existing problems of this research are summarized,and the future research is prospected.
Keywords/Search Tags:Core literacy, High school chemistry, Organic chemistry, Unit design
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