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Spatial Evolution Of Rural Settlements In Mountainous Areas Of Northern Guangdong

Posted on:2020-02-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H GongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330590457535Subject:Human Geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the background of the new era of the country's Rural Revitalization strategy,rural settlements in China are in a critical period of transformation and development.The space development of rural settlements in underdeveloped areas deserves our attention.The study on the spatial evolution of rural settlements is helpful to reveal the law of the spatial development of rural settlements,and has certain guiding significance for implementing the strategy of Rural Revitalization and promoting the overall development of urban and rural areas.This paper chooses Wujiang District of Shaoguan City,Guangdong Province,as a case study area in the mountainous areas of northern Guangdong Province,to analyze the spatial status and evolution process of rural settlements from the county and village scales.On the regional and county scale,the spatial characteristics of rural settlements and their overall spatial evolution during 2000-2016 were analyzed by using landscape pattern index,average nearest neighbor index and nuclear density estimation.On the microcosmic village scale,rural settlements are classified by clustering analysis method.Typical rural settlements are selected to analyze the change process and characteristics of material space,social space and economic space in different types of villages.Finally,by using the method of geographic detector,the factors affecting the spatial evolution of rural settlements are explored.Through the above research,this paper draws the following conclusions:(1)The rural settlements in Wujiang District have the characteristics of uneven scale distribution,diversified forms and location types,and diversified spatial functions.The rural settlements in Wujiang District are concentrated in the valley plain area,the mountain and hilly areas are less distributed,and the rural settlements in the valley plain area are quite different.In spatial form,there are many spatial forms,such as "scattered point type","one water string type","band type","cluster type" and so on.In the settlement site selection,there are mountain-based,water-based,mountain-based and plain types;in the spatial function,the rural areas far from the city have a single spatial function,and the rural areas close to the city have a variety of spatial functions.(2)From the point of view of evolution characteristics,during 2000-2016,the scale ofrural settlements in Wujiang District showed an overall trend of expansion,and large-scale circulation occurred with cultivated land,forest land and construction land.In terms of spatial form,the pattern of rural settlement patches tends to be regular,and the shape of rural settlements around cities and towns is more irregular,and the degree is enhanced.In terms of spatial distribution,rural settlements maintain the pattern of agglomeration distribution,and the degree of agglomeration is strengthened.The distribution of rural settlements is unchanged as a whole,with local characteristics of strengthening toward low altitude,near rivers and near towns.(3)In the process of social and economic development,the development of villages in Wujiang District has evolved into five types: urban village,suburban industrial village,new town resettlement village,suburban agricultural village and traditional agricultural and forestry village.There are differences in the development and evolution of different types of rural settlement space,economic space and social space.Village in the city.In terms of settlement space,the change of rural residential area is small,and the internal buildings show a "filling" growth.In terms of economic space,it has gone through three stages: agriculture,agriculture + industry and service industry,with a high level of economic development.In social space,the population gathering inside and outside the village,the organizational structure is complicated,and the internal public communication space is less.Industrial villages in suburbs and settlement villages in new towns.In terms of settlement space,these two types of villages have the most dramatic spatial changes.It is characterized by the sharp increase of urban land use and the reduction of rural residential land use.The internal architectural layout of suburban industrial villages presents three evolutionary forms of "spreading and expanding,adding patches and transforming and reducing",and the new village community of new town resettlement villages completely replaces the old villages.In terms of economic space,the economic structure of these two types of villages is constantly upgrading.At present,the main economic income source of the villages depends on the rental industry,the economic level is gradually improving,and the level of consumption is also rising.In social space,the rural population is increasing slowly,while the number of household registration is decreasing;the number of immigrants isincreasing,and the social organization structure is also complicated;the rural social openness is improving,and the communication space is increasing gradually.Agricultural villages in the suburbs and traditional rural and forestry villages in the suburbs.In terms of settlement space,the internal spatial structure is stable,the area of rural settlements is growing slowly,and the buildings are growing along the road.In terms of economic space,suburban agricultural villages develop scale agriculture,modern agriculture,horticultural agriculture and sightseeing experience agriculture,and the level of economic development is medium;while traditional agricultural and forestry villages still maintain traditional agricultural production,and the economy is relatively backward.In the social space,the rural population and households increase slowly,the phenomenon of the working population going out to work is obvious,the social organizational structure is relatively single,and the public space in the village is less.(4)The spatial evolution of rural settlements in Wujiang District is influenced by such factors as natural geographical environment,social and economic conditions,location accessibility and policies.Natural factors are gradually weakening the role of rural settlements,while the role of rural residents' income,rural population and other socio-economic factors is gradually increasing,the impact of location accessibility,policy and other factors is greater.There are some differences in the effect intensity of various factors on different types of rural spatial evolution.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural settlement, space-time evolution, influencing factors, mountainous area of northern Guangdong, Wujiang District
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