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Investigation On The Learning Disabilities Of Solid Geometry Of High School Students And Research On Teaching Countermeasures

Posted on:2021-01-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Solid geometry is one of the core contents of high school mathematics curriculum.It plays a very important role in improving students' core literacy such as intuitive imagination,logical reasoning,mathematical operations,teaching abstraction,and mathematical modeling.At the same time,solid geometry is also one of the key examination contents in the college entrance examination.In this paper,the author conducted a survey on the performance and causes of solid geometry learning obstacles among 369 students in the third year of senior high school through test papers,questionnaires,and(individual)interviews.Based on the relevant literature,the students' solid geometric learning disabilities are reasonably classified,and are classified into the following four categories:1.Cognitive obstacles: students' difficulty in perceiving spatial graphics,obstacles in understanding and memory of solid geometry-related knowledge(concepts,definitions,theorems,etc.);2.Application obstacles: Students have difficulty constructing graphics,language conversion and expression,reasoning,and comprehensive problem solving;3.Calculation obstacles: students' calculation results are wrong,calculation ideas are unclear,incomplete,calculation speed is too slow,etc.4.Affective obstacles: students' lack of interest in learning solid geometry knowledge,fear,resistance,lack of initiative in learning,tension,anxiety,and test mentality.Of these four types of obstacles,special attention must be paid to computing obstacles.This is a more prominent obstacle among current science students,and it is mainly due to the need for science students to learn more about "space vector" content.Therefore,in the future teaching under the new college entrance examination mode,it is worth paying attention to the computational obstacles.The causes of the four types of obstacles are analyzed,and the causes can be summarized into three aspects: First,the characteristics of high school solid geometry knowledge;Second,the students' own problems: student related abilities(spatial imagination ability,reasoning proof ability,computing ability Etc.)lack of habitual methods and emotional factors;Third,the problems of teacher education and teaching methods.Focusing on the specific analysis of the above-mentioned four types of obstacles and their causes,with the help of previous experience,their own teaching experience,and the advice of senior teachers in the field,this article proposes the following education and teaching strategies to overcome the obstacles in solid geometry learning for high school students: First,use multiple teaching methods to overcome cognitive obstacles;Second,strengthen the training of comprehensive ability and overcome obstacles to application;Third,focus on the training of computing ability to overcome obstacles to computing;Fourth,strengthen teacher-student communication and overcome affective obstacles.
Keywords/Search Tags:Solid geometry, College entrance examination reform, Learning Disability, Analysis of causes, Teaching Strategies
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