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Research On The Effect Of Delayed Retirement On The Income And Expenditure Of The Basic Endowment Insurance Consolidated Fund Of Enterprise Urban Employees In Shanxi Province

Posted on:2021-02-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C S ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2427330623972893Subject:Social security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The so-called postponement of retirement refers to the policy of raising the retirement age according to the social age structure,the pressure of the job market and the changes in the income and expenses of the pension fund.As China's population growth slows down and the aging population brings about a series of social problems,the contradiction between the rising pension demand and the imperfect pension system becomes more and more acute.In addition,the transition of the social security system has resulted in a large amount of debt and arrears,which will seriously affect the ability to pay the pension.According to the actuarial report of China's pension 2018-2022,prepared and released by the world social security research center of the Chinese academy of social sciences,on the one hand,the number of payable months of the national fund was 15.9 in 2018,and further reduced to 13.3 in 2022,showing a very obvious decline trend and range.On the other hand,less than two payers will be needed to support one retiree in 2022.In Shanxi Province,the proportion of people over 65 in the total population jumped from 7.34 percent in 2007 to 10.05 percent in 2018,an increase of nearly three percentage points in a decade.At the same time Shanxi Province pension fund expenditure pressure is also increasing.In this context,we should pay attention to the impact of retirement age on the pension fund,so that the pension system can better adapt to the social situation,so as to timely adjust the policy to ease the pressure on the pension fund in Shanxi Province,and promote the social and economic level of Shanxi Province more profound adjustment and development.Focusing on Shanxi Province,this article embarks from the empirical,delay retirement on Shanxi Province town enterprise worker is basic endowment insurance fund balance of payments,first of all,the research of this paper elaborates the background and significance,at the same time collecting and organizing the domestic and foreign about the impact of delay retirement of endowment insurance fund document content,carries on the summary analysis;Secondly,it introduces the related theories of the operation of pension fund and the determination of reasonable retirement age,which provides the theoretical basis for the analysis of this paper.Then it introduces the basic endowment insurance fund of employees in Shanxi Province and analyzes its current operation status.Then through the life cycle theory specific analysis of pension fund income and expenditure imbalance performance,causes,and by delaying retirement to promote pension fund income and expenditure balance of rationality and necessity;Then using spectrum software for Shanxi Province in 2020-2050 urban population forecast,and town worker endowment insurance to plan as a whole fund balance model is established,on this basis,for the next 30 years,Shanxi Province town worker is basic endowment insurance to plan as a whole fund calculates the current balance of payments,to with three kinds of delay retirement mode town worker is basic endowment insurance fund balance of payments situation.The study found that if retirement is not delayed,the increase rate of pooling account income is less than the increase rate of its expenditure between 2020 and2050,and the current income and expenditure gap is expected to appear in 2024,which means that the gap will increase year by year.If the implementation of delayed retirement,to a certain extent to alleviate the current gap in income and expenditure time,reduce the current gap in income and expenditure size.In addition,the extent of delaying the retirement age will directly affect the income and expenses of the pension fund.To be specific,assuming other conditions remain unchanged,the higher the retirement age is,the higher the degree of delaying retirement is,and the lower the income and expenses pressure of the pension fund will be.Based on this,it further puts forward policy Suggestions:to promote the postponement of retirement and formulate appropriate schemes for postponing retirement as soon as possible;We will accelerate the reform of the wage system and raise wages and benefits.Continue to encourage fertility and improve the population structure;Attention should also be paid to eliminating the squeezing effect of late retirement on the job market.
Keywords/Search Tags:delayed retirement, urban enterprise workers basic endowment insurance, consolidated fund
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