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The Analysis Of Economic Growth Is Driven By The Consumption Expenditure Of Urban And Rural Residents

Posted on:2018-07-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2429330515998417Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the early 21stcentury,with the rapid development of technology,our society become highly informational.In this background,information consumption become a part of people's daily life.According to investigation and statistics,national income increase 3 trillion for every 100 million increase in information consumption on a global scale.Since the reform and opening-up,radical changes took place to Chinese information environment and information consumption level.Information consumption reached 4,489 Yuan in 2012,accounted for 30.54%of consumption level of residents,up from 21.32%in 1994,which year the number of information consumption was 383 Yuan.As static shows,information consumption is more and more important in consumption system.Even though the number increased so rapidly,our country's information consumption level is much lower than developed countries,such as America and Japan.It means we still have a huge development space.Currently the transformation of economic structure is at a critical stage,our economic is faced a serious situation:both domestic and external demand are weakening.Information consumption's increase raises our hope of stimulating domestic demand,so it gains a lot of attention from the academia.Now the study of information consumption which haven't a unique definition and statistical caliber is at elementary stage.Researchers only discuss the conception and don't reach a consensus.It makes not only the comprehensive system info but also quantitative analysis model of information consumption hard to construct.It leads to research failed to explain the influence of information consumption to economic growth.Based on the background above,this paper set a definition to information consumption firstly.In this paper,information consumption is consuming activities which including information products and services consuming directly and indirectly.To reduce the gap of data,the scope of information products and services is the sum of transportation and communication and entertainment and education in this paper.Secondly,we studied current situation of information consumption with its evolving stages,scale and level.Finally,we used quantitative analysis with Panel Date model and Vector Autoregressive model to explain how information consumption stimulating economic growth,and measured parameters of the model by a linear regression technique and a maximum likelihood method to demonstrate how the construction of information consumption influencing the economic growth.And we got the results:first,information consumption do stimulate GDP growth,but it will have delayed effect;second,even though information consumption influence economic growth,but not vice versa;third,consumption on entertainment and education can bring a stronger effect on stimulating economic growth than consumption on transportation and communication.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information Consumption, Economic Growth, Panel Data model, Vector Autoregressive Model
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