Premier Li Keqiang mentioned the Internet finance for several years in the government report,Xi Jinping,chairman of China,mentioned deepen the reform in the report to the 19 th,including the reform of financial system.Equity-based crowdfunding as an emerging financing mode of Internet finance,has added vitality to Internet finance and achieved rapid development in the world.Equity-based crowdfunding has developed for six years,however,it has a very good development prospects in our country,investors can not only reduce the threshold,but also broaden the investment channels,reduce the investment and financing on both sides of the transaction cost,also can effectively solve the plight of micro,small and medium enterprises financing difficulties.However,the new opportunities are often accompanied by crisis.There are still risks and problems in the operation of the equity-based crowdfunding platform,which needs to be further explored.This paper combed the domestic and foreign about the raise and the equity in defining the suggests mode,risk and regulatory aspects of the relevant literature,to our country the present stage all equity suggests characteristics,types,risk investment and other traditional financing model qualitative expounded and compared.In 36 kr stake the raised platform development course,operation process,the existing risk control and financing project,using the case method of the detailed analysis of the 36 kr stake the raised platform in the operation process of risk and reason,in view of the reasons put forward the corresponding countermeasures and Suggestions.The article is divided into seven chapters in the structure,including: the first chapter is the introduction;The second chapter is an overview of equity crowdfunding.The third chapter is 36 krypton equity crowdfunding case overview;The fourth chapter analyzes the operation risk case of 36 krypton equity crowdfunding platform.The fifth chapter is to reduce the operation risk of 36 krypton equity-based crowdfunding platform.The sixth chapter is the conclusion and prospect.In this article,through analysis of 36 kr equity financing the raised platform after the case of the project,found that the platform is running mainly exist in the process of legal risk,operation risk,credit risk and moral hazard problems,the reason is because laws lack,platform fickle kinds,risk control ability is limited,and investors are not mature.For this,this article in the regulatory system,profit model,risk control,and investor education aspects put forward the corresponding countermeasures and Suggestions,so as to promote equity in the raise healthy sustainable development of the industry to provide a reference basis. |