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Research On Credit Risk Assessment Of Small And Medium Sized Enterprises In Commercial Banks

Posted on:2019-11-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y R ShangFull Text:PDF
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In the past four decades of reform and opening up,China's market economic system has gradually shifted from a planned economy to a market economy.SMEs have grown rapidly in this process of transformation and have become an important part of the national economy.The existence of small and medium-sized enterprises has brought great promotion to China's economic development and social prosperity.However,due to its limited size and limited business model,SMEs often have in,herent defects such as low credit rating,small scale,and financial management confusion.In addition,due to the low transparency of SMEs' financial information and enterprise quality,the information asymmetry between banks and enterprises is more and more serious,and banks are more likely to create obstacles to the credit granting of SMEs.As a result,the problem of financing difficulties is widespread in SME credit.After investigation and research,it was found that the root cause of this problem is the incompleteness of the SME credit rating model.Therefore,establish a set of scientific and efficient credit evaluation models for SMEs which are applicable to China's basic national conditions and reasonably evaluate the credit risk of small and medium-sized enterprises through scientific algorithms is an important issue for achieving the control of SMEs at present.Therefore,this paper fully considers the status and basic characteristics of China's SMEs,based on the relevant theories of credit risk assessment at home and abroad,and fully draws on the existing mainstream evaluation methods,from the industry conditions,basic corporate conditions,and business development potential.In a number of aspects,such as corporate financial factors,a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods has been used to construct a set of risk assessment models that fully reflect the real credit status of Chinese SMEs.According to the combination of qualitative and quantitative principles,first,the"multi-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method" is used to quantify the qualitative and non-financial factors of SMEs,and the scores of various credit experts are obtained in the form of questionnaires,and they are calculated using the analytic hierarchy process.The weight of each indicator gives non-financial corporate credit risk assessment.Then,using the principal component analysis method to analyze the quantitative financial indicators of SMEs,extract the main components of the financial indicators,use Logistic regression model,regression analysis of the main components of financial factors,and establish a credit risk assessment based on Logistic regression model of financial factors.model.In addition,different types of indicators are evaluated by different methods in this paper,in order to ensure the scientificity of the final comprehensive evaluation results,we choose to obtain quantitative financial indicators and qualitative non-financial indicators in the comprehensive evaluation model by scoring by credit experts.The coefficient of weighting makes the final results based on financial and non-financial factors,they are more scientific and comprehensive.Finally,the paper tests and validates the proposed evaluation model through several cases.The results show that this model is effective for credit risk assessment of SMEs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Commercial banks, Small and medium-size enterprises, Credit risk, Financial factors, Non-fimancial factors
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