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Energy Management Contracting Of Bailian Supermarket Lighting System Energy-saving Renovation Project

Posted on:2019-12-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K GengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2429330566497675Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Lighting system accounted for 30% of the total building energy consumption,is the second largest part of the electricity consumption.It's energy consumpt ion only next to the air condit ioning system,accounted for 19% of global electricit y consumpt ion and accounted for 12.5% of China's electricit y consumpt ion.Therefore we should focus on the energy saving of light ing electricit y system.Because among all kinds of buildings,more than 75% of them are built after high efficiency and energy saving building an energy-saving light ing system becomes a necessary Measure.Based on the analysis of EMC(Energy Management Contract ing)theory and pract ical problems,this paper concludes the advantages of EMC mode in the reconstruction project,and gives an overview of the basic situat ion and light ing requirements of the energy-saving renovation project of the light ing system of the Bai Lian Supermarket,as well as the existing pr oblems of the project.From the aspects of technology,energy saving and economy,the applicabilit y of EMC to energy saving retrofit projects are analyzed respect ively.The conclusio n is that the EMC mode is suitable for the energy saving retrofit project of Shanghai Bai Lian Supermarket Light ing System and can solve the exist ing problems of this project.Based on the design principles and evaluat ion system of the EMC model,we compared and analyzed the four t ypes of EMC models that are mainly prevalent and widely used in the market.In this paper,we designed an EMC-energy-saving benefit sharing mode which is suitable for the energy conservatio n renovat ion project of the Bai Lian supermarket lighting system as well as set up a EMC economic model from energy saving service.based on this mode,and analyzed the project,it is feasible to conclude that the project will proceeds well when the EMC-energy-saving benefit sharing mode is adopted.By establishing the measurement and calculat ion method of the implementat ion effect of the EMC mode,and calculating and analyzing the implementat ion effect of the of EMC mode of the project,we draw the conclusion that the Bai Lian supermarket will have larger increase in revenue when adopts the EMC model.The EMC mode is he lpful to arouse the enthusiasm of energy efficient service company.At last,we suggest that energy efficient service companies should enhance their industry publicit y,develop potential market,enhance their own strength,and make scientific profit forecast.
Keywords/Search Tags:building energy conservation, energy conservation transformation, energy management contract, light ing renovation
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