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The Pine And Bamboo Patterns In Wen Zhengming's Garden-themed Paintings In The Ming Dynasty

Posted on:2019-07-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the middle of the Ming Dynasty,the rise of Wumen Painting and the participation of the literati in the garden construction made the garden a fine shelter for both the literati’s real and moral life.This social trend integrated the concept of gardening with the traditional landscape painting and formed a style of "garden landscape painting of the literati",which is quite different from the traditional landscape painting.Shochiku has always been a metaphorical symbol of literati,an important manifestation in the landscape painting and also an indispensable plant in the gardening art.Shochiku can symbolize the pursuit of literati’s moral quality and is presented in a large number of the literati’s paintings.This paper focus on the part of Shochiku in Wen Zheng-ming’s garden landscape painting and finds that compared with traditional landscape painting,the building takes up more space and are closer to the audience.The Shochiku,usually painted before the building are depicted more carefully.And through this specific painting habit,a unique Shochiku pattern was born.This kind of Shochiku schema is not only the trace of Wen Zhengming’s personal moral realm and pursuit,but also represents the common ideal of literati life at that time.The participation of the literati in the gardening is a realistic simulation of the ideal landscape,while the landscape painting of the literati garden is the ideal sublimation on the basis of the real garden.From nature to the landscape painting,landscape to garden,and then from the garden to the garden paintings,the relation between literati and nature goes through the escalating evolution step by step.The Wen Zheng-ming’s landscape paintings of Shochiku pattern is the embodiment of the landscape humanistic feelings,and has great impact on its future generations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wen Zhengming, Garden schemata
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