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Turner And Constable Have Similar Studies On Poetry And Painting

Posted on:2020-03-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330575495795Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Around the 1970 s,the western scholars and researchers focusing on fine art has made an obvious change on the study of Turner and Constable,turning from the perspective of formal analysis and picturesque to the field of intersection of poetry and painting,which is another effort and attempt to restore a more authentic art history.During the period of British Romanticism,under the advocacy and influence of Reynolds’ art theory,the first president of Royal Academy of Art,poetry became one of the essential basic cultural qualities of British academician painters in order to break through from the past art history.Turner and Constable finally surpassed the landscape painting in the past art history in the course of their practice and achieved outstanding achievements.Under the joint action of these two painters,in the 19 th century,British landscape painting reached a level comparable to that of historical painting.This paper tries to restore the English Romantic landscape paintings represented by Turner and Constable from another angle through the interlinked level of poetry and painting,clarifies the contribution of poetry to landscape painting as a separate painting subject,and reveals the important relationship between English poetry literature and art history in this period.
Keywords/Search Tags:J.M.W.Turner, John Constable, From Poetry to Painting
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