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Posted on:2020-03-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T LinFull Text:PDF
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The relationship between utilitarian principle and freedom principle is an important problem in Mill's utilitarianism.The understanding of the relationship between utilitarian principle and freedom principle can be divided into two types:One view holds that utilitarian principle and freedom principle are separated from each other and even conflict with each other,excluding the freedom principle from utilitarianism.Thus,Mill's utilitarianism thoughts are defined as "The maximizing utilitarianism",which has become the mainstream point of view to explain Mill's thoughts;Another view is that utilitarian principle and freedom principle are interrelated.As the core principle and the tool principle,the two set up a complete system of utilitarianism.And this view defined Mill's thoughts as“The minimizing utilitarianism".The paper holds that the above two conclusions have their own rationality and limitation.The related arguments of maximization points out the vague attitude of Mill's utilitarianism in the distribution of total welfare,and the uncoordination between the total amount of social welfare and personal interests in special situations,forming the most powerful criticism of the principle of maximum happiness.However,using extreme cases to torture the moral principle,denying the reasonable status of the principle of freedom,neglecting the indirect value of the utilitarian principle and so on make the maximization accusation have inevitable limitations.Based on the value basis of utilitarian individual standard,the related arguments of minimization accept the principle of freedom as the secondary principle in utilitarian system and uphold the possibility of utilitarian protection of individual freedom,restoring the original appearance of Mill's utilitarianism system to some extent.However,the minimized defense adheres to Mill;s narrow view of freedom to defend his utilitarianism,and gives an overly optimistic evaluation of Mill's theory of human nature,which is bound to exaggerate the real position of individual freedom in utilitarianism,leading to the extreme in which the definition of Mill's thought is minimized.On the basis of combining the specific text of Mill,this paper tries to make a comparative analysis of the above two viewpoints combining utility principle and freedom principle,and stress the value status of utility principle and "The greatest happiness of most people"being the final appeal of utilitarianism.Clarifying that freedom principle is also an important practical principle in the utilitarianism system,which is not only not conflict with utility principle but leading to utilitarianism finally as a secondary principle with half tool and half value.Utility principle and freedom principle can be contacted by the key concept "Self-development" In this process,correcting the traditional view that Mill's utilitarian ethical system is not self-consistent with internal logic and finding the difficulties of regarding Mill as a"Maximizing utilitarian".
Keywords/Search Tags:Utility principle, Freedom principle, "The maximizing utilitarianism", "The minimizing utilitarianism", "Self-development"
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