Commercial paintings originally originated from abroad,while the commercial paintings in China appeared in the 11 th century and continued to develop and improve in the efforts of later generations.As the representative of the most important month of the painter in the period of the Republic of China,Hang Zhiying has a very important and progressive significance for the development of domestic commercial paintings.In the process of research work,this paper mainly uses the literature review method and case analysis method to systematically compare the works of Hang Zhiying and Mu Xia,and analyzes the selection,overall composition,color application and national elements of the painting theme.The use of aspects.According to the specific research and analysis,artists from different backgrounds in different periods can do their best in the face of the career that the individual loves,and fully understand the deep-seated reasons for forming different forms of art presentation,and then,to a greater extent.To comprehensively deepen the understanding of the art of today. |