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Research On Wang Xiaolai's Early Charity And Public Welfare Activities (1912-1928)

Posted on:2020-06-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Z WuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Xiaolai Wang is one of the most prestigious people in the modern China as a very successful businessman.His life is throughout half 20th century of major historical events and with the help of his father-in-law,Wang has established a huge economic basis for the status of the business community in Shanghai.During the reign of 1912-1928,Wang has completed the economic and political capital accumulation of his legendary life,In the modern China,the frequent disasters,years of war,the surge in the number of refugees,made everything seems bad.While Wang is a man who has a strong sense of social responsibility and loves for charitable public welfare.Regardless of whether the motivation is pure,Wang’s charitable heart and frequent relief behavior have objectively contributed to the Society of the Republic of China.The primary materials used in this paper are mostly newspapers and magazines in the modern China,which record in detail the role Wang Xiaolai played.This paper is divided into three chapters to discuss Wang’s charitable public welfare activities.The first chapter is about Wang’s life experience,industrial capital and his social net.The second chapter first discusses the reasons why Wang is passionate about charitable public welfare activities,and then divided this part into four categories to have a deeper exploration.The third chapter intends to evaluate Wang’s charitable public welfare activities,through the comparison with Yuesheng Du and Yiting Wang.Last but not least,discuss the impacts of Xiaolai Wang’s charitable activities.
Keywords/Search Tags:wang xiaolai, Charity, Relief, Public welfare
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